Notary Bazzo

Born in Turin, after leaving a classical studies high school, Liceo Camillo Benso di Cavour in Turin, she was then awarded a first-class degree in Law at the with special mention. After her degree, she completed a PhD in “Enterprise Governance” at the University of Turin, with a period as Visiting Researcher at Queensland University of Technology di Brisbane (Australia).

She passed the examination enabling her to practise as a lawyer and was legal assistant at Banca d’Italia from 2011 to 2014, in the Banking and Finance Supervisory Area.

After passing the state notary public examination called by Decree on 27 December 2010, she was appointed Notary Public in Turin by Ministry of Justice Decree dated 6 June 2014, becoming the youngest Notary Public in Italy and has carried out her work as a member of the Roll of Notaries Public of the United District of Turin and Pinerolo since July 2014.
She has also been a lecturer at the “Scuola di Notariato Franco Lobetti Bodoni” of the Notary Council of the United Districts of Turin and Pinerolo and still collaborates with the Private Law section of the Department of Law and Management at the University of Turin.

She acts as Delegated Professional in Real Estate Executions and is a member of the list of Notaries Public authorised by the Notary Auction Network. She is a Notary qualified as LRA (Local Registration Authority) and RAO (Registration Authority Officer) in the Italian Notarial Platform for the stipulation of electronic limited companies. Se has been a member of the European and International Affairs Commission of the National Council of Notaries since 2014 and is a contact for the Turin Notary Council Remote Auction project.
She is a member of the Board of the Italian Association of Young Notaries, with responsibility for Deontology, for the three-year period 2022-2025.

She is the author of numerous publications, including:

  • I figli nati tramite maternità surrogata: questioni giuridiche aperte, study being published in Studies and Materials of the National Council of Notaries;
  • La legge applicabile nei regimi patrimoniali delle coppie internazionali: novità e casi pratici, in “Cross-border families: property regimes and successors”, edited by Ilaria Riva, Legal Papers of the Law Department of the University of Turin, October 2021;
  • Domande frequenti in tema di atti consolari e atti provenienti dall’estero, study n. 7-2021/A, published in Studies and Materials of the National Council of Notaries on 12 March 2021;
  • Section on Italy in Couples in Europe, Matrimonial and Registered Partnership Regimes, published by UINL (International Union of Notaries), Irene (European Institute for Research and Notarial Studies), CNUE (Council of Notaries of the European Union), edition 2020-2019.

She has spoken in national and international conferences, including:

  • Lingue straniere nelle scritture private autenticate e negli allegati agli atti notarili, organised by the Notary Council of Messina on 18 March 2022;
  • Osservazioni sugli aspetti fiscali della legge “Dopo di noi”, during the “Disabilità grave e inclusione: aspetti giuridici e fiscali nell’attuazione della legge sul “Dopo di noi” (legge n. 112/2016)” Conference organised by the Italian Notary Foundation for the period 2020-2021;
  • Le procure da e per l’estero, during the “Il Notaio e gli atti esteri” Conference organised by the Notary Council of the United Districts of Viterbo and Rieti on 26 November 2021;
  • Le competenze dell’autorità consolare e del notaio straniero, during the “Il Notaio e gli atti esteri” Conference organised by the Notary Council of the United Districts of Novara, Vercelli and Casale Monferrato on 21 May 2021;
  • Procure da e per l’estero: recenti sviluppi giurisprudenziali, during the “Cittadini e atti provenienti dall’estero: problemi e soluzioni pratiche nell’ambito dell’attività notarile” Conference organised by the Italian Notary Foundation for the period 2020-2021;
  • Responsabilità del Notaio quale professionista delegato alle operazioni di vendita nelle esecuzioni immobiliari, during the “Deontologia e novità fiscali” Conference organised by the Notary Council of the United Districts of Novara, Vercelli and Casale Monferrato on 29 November 2019;
  • I regimi patrimoniali delle coppie internazionali, during the “Il Notaio: Cammino sulla via della bellezza” Conference, organised by the Notary Council of the United Districts of Ascoli Piceno and Fermo in Grottamare on 11 May 2019;
  • Le principali novità introdotte dai Regolamenti UE 1103/2016 e 1104/2016, during the conference “I rapporti patrimoniali tra coniugi e nelle unioni registrate nel Diritto Internazionale Privato: Nuovi Regolamenti UE 1103/2016 e 1104/2016”, organised by the Notary Council of the United Districts of Turin and Pinerolo on 1 February 2019;
  • La scelta a disposizione delle imprese spiegata dal professionista, during the course on Arbitration, organised by the Turin Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Craftsmanship and Agriculture, Unione Industriale Torino, the Piedmont Arbitration Chamber together with the Notary Council of the United Districts of Turin and Pinerolo, The Council of the Order of Lawyers of Turin, The Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Turin on 20 November 2018;
  • I Regolamenti in materia matrimoniale e di convivenze registrate e gli effetti sull’attività notarile, during the conference “Il Notaio e la (Dis)applicazione della Legge: il Diritto dell’Unione Europea nella pratica professionale, nell’ambito del ciclo di seminari in diritto dell’Unione Europea”, in collaboration with the Notaries of Europe, National Notary Council and Italian Notary Foundation, at the Notary Councils of Genoa, on 26 November 2018, Como on 7 February 2018, Treviso on 20 October 2017 and Bologna on 9 June 2017;
  • Principali novità in materia di Aste, Vendite e Avvisi Notarili, at the Notary Council of the United Districts of Turin and Pinerolo, on 2 February 2018;
  • La vendita dei beni dei soggetti fragili: regime autorizzativo, beni ereditari, nullità ed annullabilità dei relativi atti, organised by the Council of the Order of Lawyers of Ivrea on 10 January 2018;
  • La pubblicità Immobiliare in Italia, Austria e Germania, organised by Notarcomitato, the Italo-Austrian Notary Committee, XLII Conference, Lindau (Germany) on 6 and 7 October 2017;
  • Libera prestazione dei servizi e professioni, during the e-learning course on European Union law organised by the Italian Notary Foundation for the two-year period 2017-2018;
  • The Italian system of matrimonial property regimes: a comparison between EU Regulations and the new law on civil union and registered civil partnerships, during the Seminary “EU Regulations regarding matrimonial regimes and registered partnership, The Italian System of matrimonial property regimes”, organised by theInstitutul Notarial Roman, in Bucharest (Romania) on 9 September 2016.

Notary Public Rosboch

Notary Public Rosboch

The Firm

The Firm